Welcome friends and family to our adventure!

Thank you all so much for you support! Check in anytime and find out what we are up to! We love you all very much.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Almost there!

We are 4 1/2 days from departure and it is getting pretty exciting. Clint and I realize everyday that the simplest things in our life are the ones we are going to miss the most. We are trying to absorb every ounce or our diminishing comfort zones before being thrown into an unknown place where the small nuances of everyday life will be non-existent. We are hopeful that no matter what experiences await us this year, we will come out of this experience stronger as a couple and as individuals. We are so lucky to have each other. This experience will no doubt provide us with our fair share of challenges, but what is life without those?

We are definitely in the "honeymoon" stage of acculturation. It is filled with rushes of stress and excitement. I know that the next few months will be hard, so I am trying to relish in the excitement part while it lasts. I feel like the most difficult thing right now is the unknown. We do not know what our schools will be like, what our co-workers will be like, what our city will be like, and most of all how we will fit in to this different world. I suppose the answers will be revealed very, very soon:)

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